Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Brother

I have a brother who is 9 years younger than me, and his 28th birthday is tomorrow. Partly due to the age difference -- we are not very close. The other reasons why we are not close -- my mother plays favorites (I'm her favorite) and made sure while he was growing up to remind him how "perfect" I am, and how not-perfect he is. Another reason we don't get along -- he's basically a dipshit...I mean, I can't help but love the kid because he's my brother, but he makes the worst choices when it comes to his life at every turn, seriously should be on some meds because he has been diagnoised as bi-polar disorder, and is just a mess. And mess is an understatment.

So the reason I am writing this post about him is that he has asked me to post some stuff on eBay for him because he does not have internet connection at home...and I haven't had time to do it because I'm working, studying, being a mom -- basically, living my life. So it being his birthday tomorrow, I was thinking about him and how I haven't posted his stuff so I sent him a text and told him that I would try and get the stuff out there this week and I wished him a happy birthday too. He immediately tried to call me back (and I don't feel like talking) so he texted back and said that he's losing his job (which my mom told me last week) and that he loves me.

Which made me feel incredibly sad.

Sad because we're not close, sad because he's so pathetic. Sad because he's losing his job and he's already living in the ghetto, sad because he has this wonderful fiancee who he treats like shit (she adores him). Sad because he says he loves me but says nasty things about me behind my back. And sad because it's just sad.


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